Thursday, 25 October 2012


The last few weeks have been hetic and as i look at the date I can hardly believe it will be the end of October next week!
The month started with a visit to Albania to see some much loved friends and visit the Tirana Nazarene church. I love Albania it is such a great place with great friends. I experienced a lovely relaxing picnic and a traditional albania meal. As well as an abundance of greta company and conversation! The only conversation I missed out on was the ones about money which I'm told can only be spoken in albania!! I also managed to stock up on some lovely oat bread to take back to Bulgaria!

Once I was back in Bulgaria after the slightly scary minibus ride!! My parents arrived and we embarked on the free sofia tour with Rossi as our guide. I highly recommend it! Of course cause its free but also because it is so interesting! If you come to visit I will probably take you on it! We also had the priveledge of having all my friends from wycliffe on the tour! These are some great people who I have met here.. who keep me sane!!!

See if you can spot me and my parents. Clue look for a white hat!

After our short visit in Sofia, we proceeded to the first Tamburello Family work and witness! Well we have been in different combinations on work and witness and youth in mission but never has a group been just made up of Tamburello's!! This Family work and witness with out adopted member Missionary Jessica Moris headed to Stubel, north of Sofia and on the outskirts of Montana. Stubel is a place Mum and Dad have been on on work and witness and they saw this very church when it was well more of a shell with no walls. Our task was to paint the back room and tile the bathrooms, oh and of course do some electrical! It was a really good time and we helped bring the church a little bit further on and had great fellowship with the Stubel people! I even got to sleep in a room above the hens!! Hopefully pictures to follow when I get them from Dad! 

After Stubel, came my home and my parents got to experience the 645 bus to Vidrare! They also got to experience the wonders of the Orphanage and were performed to by the children. We also gave them a guided tour of the village and a look at the local school. 

Once my parents had gone it was time for the Mann family party - Pirate and Princes theme! It was great. I'm so glad the Mann's are here i just love their family and everyone had a fantastic time! It was also good to just spend some relaxing time with them and of course watch DVD's with Jonny, sarah and james.

This week has returned to normal schedule (well with a few changes) which involves;
Monday : 645 bus to Vidrare to spend the morning in the orphanage and afternoon in the school.

Tuesday : I unusually had Tuesday off but used it wisely and had lunch with one of the young people, prepared my english lesson and did some shopping.

Wednesday: Etropole - This is where the elderly care home is. It was so nice to see the Baba's (grandma's) again. Please pray that I will be able to go here regularly. I am hoping that i maybe be able to go twice a week. Also pray for the centre cause they are moving to new facilities in the next few weeks.

Thursday: 645 bus to Vidrare. Today I had such a treat we got to be with пет гроуп - group 5! It was great they are my favourite group and were so excited to see us and we sat with them playing and colouring. That was until we were summoned to see some of the children perform some traditional Bulgarian songs in traditional custom, even with traditional dance! We received handmade gifts and all the children in the orphanage got treats! They loved and so did we.

Friday: This is, along with wednesday on a normal week Bulgarian lesson day. BUT this week our teacher is away on a conference so we are taking his english classes. So please pray for me tomorrow as I take my first English conversational class and quiz the Bulgarian teens on britain!! I thought this would be a good conversational topic!

This weekend is the district assembly, so we will all be travelling up to Razgrad in the north west of the country.  Please be in prayer for the Bulgarian district and specifically for Doug and Jen Mann. Also pray for Zhana as she is the first Bulgarian to be ordained.

Thank You so much for taking time to read this update.
Please continue to Pray, below are some specific points.

  • Please pray for continuing funds. I still need money to stay here an entire year. Please contact me on if you think you can help.
  • Please pray as I explore using my medical skills more that doors will open.
  • Please pray for wisdom in decision making for me at this time.