Thursday, 29 March 2012

Seasons Change

One of my favourite songs over the past year has been the desert song by Brooke Fraser and Hillsongs united. If you haven't heard it go to youtube now and search for it. When I first hear it I identified with the feeling of going through the desert place, but more so with the bridge of the song that says;
All of my life in very season,
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
If you know me at all you know I love to sing and worship. I love that in hard times or joyful times we have a reason to worship and praise God.I love the Psalms and the way David praises God even in the hard times. The song ends on a really positive note saying:
This is my prayer in the harvest,
When favour and providence flow
I'm know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I've received I will sow.

As the seasons change from winter to spring (or is this summer? I did get a sun tan this week). I reflect on the seasons in my own life and this new exciting season where God is challenging me to serve him and sow some seeds in Bulgaria. I reflect on what I have/am learning and know that in everything God uses it for his best. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Thank you so much for supporting me in this exciting next step. Thank you especially to all the ladies who attended 'Ladies Night' and raised a great £205 for my trip. 

If you want to donate please contact me on, I can give you the details of the account.

The next event is on the 25th April,2012 and is a comedy event with the fab (And I maybe bias casue he is my friend) Tony Vino. If you haven't seen him before or if you have don't miss this opportunity! He doesn't venture over to Ashton very much. You can check him out at To get tickets for the event you can go online to Its  an easy as reading this blog 

Friday, 23 March 2012

Its about the Journey

The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together. 

   The signposts of God are clear and point out the right road. 

   The life-maps of God are right, showing the way to joy. 
   The directions of God are plain and easy on the eyes. 
Psalm 19: 7-8

Journeying through life can have it ups and downs. I think my life is testimony to this, but it's the journey that makes us the person who God wants us to be. Thesе ups and down or Гòре – дòлу (аs I'm learning in Bulgarian) shape us and help us to listen closely to the direction God is sending us in. As The psalmist says above God pulls our lives together and signs the way to go.

As I reflect on the journey I have been taking over the last few years I keep thinking back to a river near where I live and the stepping stones that cross it. This picture (above) describes the journey I am on. Its the type of crossing that you put on foot out on to the stone, then the next foot, then you just take a minute to steady yourself before moving on. Its an exciting journey and I can feel God's presence with me all the way, a bit like those footprints in the sand. I know if I wobble or slip God will be there to stop me falling in or he may just let me fall in and pick me up again.

Thank you for taking the time to journey with and join in this exciting adventure of following God. I will try to post regularly about the preparations for my trip abroad and let you know my progress. Along the way I will also share how God took me to this point in my life preparing me to be a mission corp volunteer in Bulgaria amongst Roma (gypsy) people.

Please take a look at the movie I have put together about my trip. Please keep me in your prayers and if you would like to sponsor me please contact me.